Bowler Girl Meets Bowler Boy

July, 18, 2014

My first date with my husband was to the bowling alley. We went to one of those Midnight Mayhem bowl till you drop for either exhaustion or drunkeness. We met online and decided to meet up (for safety) at the bowling alley around 9 o'clock. We both took Ubers because we figured we'd be drinking a little. When I first saw him I was entranced. He was so attractive and handsome and the way he looked at me made my heart melt. I was so nervous and didn't want to look like a goober. We hugged when we met then purchased a lane. He ordered a pizza and a pitcher of beer. We bowled till 3 a.m. in the morning and the time just flew on by. I knew that day that I was going to marry that man and I did!

Denver, Colorado, United States